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A component-based hard real-time embedded operating system
with run-time component change ability

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Main page

This page is about the state of the TaltOS. Please feel free to download, try, use, modify, sell, upgrade, erase, release, hack, crack, compile, assemble, disassemble etc. whatever you can find here (of course under the circumstances of the GPL).

The Project

This project was started in the year of 2004 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (www.bme.hu/en/) at the Department of Measurement and Information Systems (www.mit.bme.hu/eng/). This product will be hopefully used there too.

The Purpose

The goal is to be able to install and to remove components by radio connection on more sensor-boards simultaneously.

The TaltOS

- component-based: easy to develop and modify the full system to be suitable for any kind of job
- hard real-time: fully deterministic and predictable to make it capable for using in critical situations too
- embedded operating system: just the most important hardware, task, and component handling, nothing more. (Every other features should be realized as components)
- run-time component change ability: it is the Purpose.

The Principles (At this moment :)

- The code should be portable so it is mostly in C, the hardware specific code should be as minimal as possible
- The first manually uploaded code should be as minimal as possible
- Booting and component changing are not to satisfy the hard real-time requirements, every other operation must satisfy them.
- No data saving on the non-volatile memory (it is just for component binaries)
- TaltOS is a component too, it can be removed or updated, without any reset.

The Resources

- Hardware: Philips LPC2106 microcontroller (more info) on a testboard. This is provided by the university.
- Cross Compiler: arm-elf-gcc 3.4.1 at this moment. http://www.gnuarm.com/
- Flash utility: this is provided by Philips Semiconductors
- Code Editor: Crimson Editor: http://www.crimsoneditor.com/

For detailed description of the project check the documentation.