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A component-based hard real-time embedded operating system
with run-time component change ability

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v0.1.4(unstable) 29. oct. 2005 /source/
TaltOSv0.1.4.zip (27 Kb)
- TaltOS: component uploading and removing is finally finished
- TaltOS and Bootloader: more secure component uploading
- Components: a sample component is ready which is capable to call a TaltOS service
- Overall: many optimalization and more bugfix, I cannot explain them all

TaltOS documentation 29. oct. 2005 /pdf/
TaltOS_TDK.pdf (1033 Kb)
This 32 pages was made to a Scientific Student Conference, at this moment this is the full documentation

v0.1.3(unstable) 19. sept. 2005 /source/
TaltOSv0.1.3.zip (25 Kb)
- TaltOS: non-preemtive task handling within the main stack (no stack pointer changes yet)

v0.1.2(unstable) 12. sept. 2005 /source/
TaltOSv0.1.2.zip (24 Kb)
- Bootloader: communication is changed to 4 byte long messages, packed component handling
- TaltOS: communication is changed to 4 byte long messages
- linkers: packing components

v0.1.1(unstable) 23. aug. 2005 /source/
TaltOSv0.1.1.zip (23 Kb)
No big deal, just a fast first release (for curious ones). It doesn't do much:
- Bootloader: TaltOS can be uploaded and run and removed from the flash
- TaltOS: initializing, component checking (running), input, output handling, initializing, checking for uploaded new components
- Component compiler: a linker and a maker


The planning of the TaltOS:
TaltOS_pre-planning.pdf (31 Kb)
First ideas, possible solutions, principles, foreseen difficulties.

The first steps of the implementation:
TaltOS_first_steps.pdf (181 Kb)
Problems occur, and their solutions. Modified principles and more foreseen difficulties.

This one contains all the documentation above:
TaltOS_alldocks.pdf (285 Kb)

Codes for learning the hardware:

(These codes were my first experiences in programming embedded systems, most of them are adopted to the TaltOS source itself. These are the final versions.)

It speaks for itself:
vectored_it_task_proctime_serial_controller.zip (12 Kb)

This is nearly the same but in C++:
first_os_impl_in_c++.zip (11 Kb)
(The idea to write the TaltOS in C++ was later thrown away.)

Flash writing and running uploaded code:
flash_write_run_function.zip (9 Kb)
(To be able to absolve this step was really necessary for the TaltOS.)